Cedric Frierson born. on 15.11.1959 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Lived in Ui Jung Bu/Souht Korea, Fayetteville/North Carolina, Lawton Oklahoma, Fort Knox/Kentucky, Junction City/Kansas, Schwabisch Gmuend und Esslingen;

A Prevalings autodidakt artist; in 1985 Private Lession from the Korean Portrait-Artist Lee Kang; since 1992 selfemployed Artist, Studied Graphic Design and Art at the Freier Kunstschule Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Germany from 2001 til 2005. Opening his own galerie"Atelier 77" 1996 in Esslingen Germany.

The Language of Colors

Painted poetry in a harmonious world of colour and forms, fascinating tales told without words, esthetic adventure free from all restriction of the paternalistic through conventional structures. The whole predomination through his excellent colourful style of painting the international artist Cedric Frierson's extract observation from his self in to a silent dialogue.

The broad spectrum of his work: Range from surreal to dream like melancholy window views gazing over futurist cities under glowing constellations, to soft poetic and romantic colorful reflection of nature. That distinguishes the painting elements of Frierson's consistency in his message. The perfect balance of colorful setting an optimistic counterpoint against the monochrome world of every day life.
written by: Malte Juergens
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